Eliminate doubts, misunderstandings & the scope of cheating with The Ledger.
Start Your Trust Journey TodayA modern tool for couples to build trust and ensure commitment.
A and B are in a committed relationship and have registered together on The Ledger. If A tries to register with C, the platform immediately identifies A’s existing relationship with B and blocks the registration. C is notified that A is not single, stopping the potential for cheating before it begins.
Suppose A decides to leave B and start a relationship with C. When A ends the registration with B, The Ledger immediately notifies B. This transparency ensures B knows that A is no longer committed, preventing secret double-dating or deceit.
Celebrate your commitment by registering together—exclusively for you and your partner.
Your registration is private—only you and your partner know about it.
While registered as a couple, neither of you can register with someone else.
If one of you decides to end the relationship, the other is instantly notified.
The Ledger isn’t about control—it’s about creating a foundation of honesty and peace of mind.
Sign up using your name, email, and phone number.
Scan each other’s QR codes to register.
Your relationship is now formal and secure.